Winter Sports » Winter Sports

Winter Sports

All paperwork must be submitted through Final Forms. Register for Final Forms here.
Follow the prompts to create your account and sign your forms. (Find School District - Lexington Schools 02)
Your email will be your ID.
Athletic Fees: 2024 - 2025
Middle school student athletic fees are $50 and are payable to the student's home middle school even if the student plays only a high school sport. If the student plays both a middle and high school sport, they are assessed the annual $50 fee only one time - payable to the student's home middle school.


🎳AHS Bowling
Bowling Season is fast approaching! Any 7th or 8th grade student interested in joining Airport High School's Bowling Team needs to fill out the interest form linked here. Email Coach Metts, [email protected], with any questions.
Interest Form:
🤼AHS Wrestling
Boys Basketball
Bryant Stewart
Girls Basketball
Nikki Cunningham
Girls Basketball
Haley Christiansen
AHS Bowling 
Jessica Metts
AHS Wrestling
Lee Williams