Timothy Swatzell » About Me

About Me

Hi! I am Timothy Swatzell. I was born in Texas and grew up mostly in South Carolina. I have spent over 10 years here and consider it my hometown. I grew up in the Richland 2 district. My father was in the military so I have lived in many places, including, New York, Texas, Tennessee, and South Carolina.

I graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Middle-Level Education. I have been at Fulmer since 2019 when I did my internship. I have been teaching since 2020 and have enjoyed teaching here yearly! I have taught 7th-grade math and science and enjoy teaching PLTW courses, including Computer Science and App Creators.

When I am not teaching, I enjoy many different things. I like to draw whenever I can. I also enjoy reading manga and watching anime. I grew up a gamer and still enjoy playing video games. I like watching football and basketball when their seasons are on. If I am not doing any of these, I am playing with either of my cats. I have a male orange tabby named Luigi and a female Bombay named Lucina.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]