See you all on Wednesday, August 8th!

Take Flight - Rising 6th Grade Students
We look forward to welcoming our rising 6th grade students and their parents at our annual Take Flight event this Wednesday, August 8th from 8:00 am to Noon.  During this time, students and parents will have an opportunity to meet and greet with teachers, pick up their student schedule (if proof of residency has been provided), sign up for after school care and activities, purchase a yearbook, set up a cafeteria account, pay school fees, etc.  Please note that this is not a drop-in, and we plan to have this event wrapped up by Noon.  We will have doughnuts and juice available.  If you RSVP'd for your student by the deadline of July 27th, we will have their free t-shirt available.  Limited parking will be available around the Davis campus, and overflow parking will be located at the Cayce United Pentecostal Holiness Church and the former Harley Haven. 
Schedule Pick-Up and Open House - Rising 7th and 8th Grade Students
Schedule Pick-Up and Open House will also take place this Wednesday, August 8th from 2:00 to 6:00 pm.  This is a drop-in for students and parents to meet and greet with teachers, pick up their student schedule (if proof of residency has been provided), sign up for after school care and activities, purchase a yearbook, set up a cafeteria account, pay school fees, etc.  Limited parking will be available around the Davis campus, and overflow parking will be located at the Cayce United Pentecostal Holiness Church and the former Harley Haven. 
***Many of you contacted me earlier in the summer to change classes after you took a sneak peek in to Student Portal.  I would encourage you to come to schedule pick-up as I have made extensive changes to the schedules since then.  If you would like to update your course selection, this Wednesday from 2-6 pm is a great time to do so.  
Proof of Residency
All students in Lexington School District 2 are required to provide 2 proofs of residency prior to receiving a schedule for this school year.  More information regarding the proofs of residence may be accessed on our website at  If you have already provided your proofs of residence, the receipt of your students' schedule this Wednesday will be expedited.  The contact person for this process is Mrs. Mallory Deaver, and she can be reached at [email protected] if you need assistance.
Outstanding Debts from the 2017-18 School Year
In order to receive your student's schedule, all debts to include school fees, iPad damages, library charges, etc. must be cleared.  If you received a debt letter in lieu of your students report card at the beginning of the summer, we appreciate you clearing these debts.  The contact person for this process if Mrs. Missy Turner, and she can be reached at [email protected] if you need assistance.
Online Registration (InfoSnap)
Many of you have completed the online registration process with your Snap Code that was emailed to you all.  If you have not done so, please complete this information as it helps us maintain accurate and up-to-date information on our students.  If you need assistance with this process or if you did not receive a Snap Code, please contact Mrs. Mallory Deaver at [email protected].
Davis Facility Transition
We are working diligently with the district administration and AT&T to get our phone lines up and working in order to serve our families more efficiently.  Currently, Springdale Elementary's lines have been disconnected from the Davis facility, and we are awaiting full access very soon with our (803) 822-5660 phone number.  Once this takes place, we will notify you all.  The faculty and administration are in the process of getting settled in to the Main Office and classrooms.  We have cohabited with our friends and neighbors from Springdale Elementary as they await their move back to their home campus following their additions and renovations.  We sincerely appreciate your patience as we anticipate being fully functional and able to serve you all better.
Construction Update
If you have not had an opportunity to ride by our home campus, then you will be incredibly surprised as it looks very different than it did 8 weeks ago.  Currently, the 8th grade wing, Electives (Art, Orchestra, and Project Lead the Way), Science Labs, 8th grade hallway, Main Office/Hallway (up to the 6th grade classrooms), 200 Hallway (Center hallway), Media Center, and Cafeteria have been completely leveled, along with the extraction of sidewalks and parking lots around the perimeter of the building.  The fun part of rebuilding has begun! The footers for the new Cafeteria are being installed.  Our contractors with Contract Construction, demolition crew, and Sox & Sons Construction are working tirelessly to make our home campus fantastic for years to come!
Thank you all, again, for your patience as we transition, and we look forward to seeing you all this Wednesday, August 8th!