2020-21 bus routes and other important information for Fulmer riders


NOTE: At the bottom of this story, please find attached the Excel spreadsheet of bus routes for hybrid students. Once you open the file, be sure to click through the tabs along the bottom of the spreadsheet to view all of the routes/stops.


A Spanish language version of the following letter is attached at the bottom of this story.




Dear Lexington Two families of bus riders:

Here in the Lexington Two Transportation Department, we have spent the summer planning for the return of students for the 2020-21 school year. We want to share with you the many steps we’ll be taking to ensure the safest environment possible for our bus drivers and student riders, following guidance from CDC, SC DHEC, SC Department of Education, and other agencies and organizations.



  • Buses will operate at reduced capacity (roughly 66 percent or 67 percent)
  • Students should practice social distancing while waiting at bus stops, while entering and exiting buses, and while moving through the bus aisles
  • Buses will be boarded from back to front, to the extent possible


  • For the safety of our drivers and other students, the SC Department of Education requires that all bus riders wear a mask, unless medically prohibited. 
  • Students who are medically unable to wear a mask must provide a doctor’s letter to the school and email a copy to the Transportation Department at [email protected]
  • Students who do not have a mask will be given one to wear on the bus. Repeated refusal to follow this bus rule, without a proper letter of medical exemption, may result in discipline, up to and including suspension or denial of bus transportation, in accordance with board policy.


  • Students will be assigned bus seats. This will happen on the first morning when the bus arrives at school. The bus driver will log where riders are seated, and that will become their assigned seats until otherwise directed. 
  • Two students only per bus seat.  The two do not have to be from the same household


  • Bus windows and vents will be open to boost air flow
  • Buses will be cleaned/disinfected after morning and afternoon routes -- including use of misting machines purchased for this purpose 
  • Drivers will have access to cleaning and sanitizing materials

We are asking parents/legal guardians to support these safety measures by talking with their children about social distancing, wearing masks, and practicing good hygiene. In the meantime, should you have any questions about your child’s assigned bus route or any safety procedure, please contact (803) 755-7453.

Tony Sargent

Director of Transportation